The Neverwas Studio
Redefining reality, one punk at a time!  If you can sketch it, I can build it!  Steampunk is what I do.

A Work in Progress...

    • ...About the outsider's view...
Jim Davidson was born in Culver City, Ca.,in the middle of the 20th century. He was reared in the wilds of Northern Michigan in the summers and spent the other three seasons of the year in Manhattan Beach, California, USA...attending school, surfing, causing problems and pretty much perfecting his general attitude and world must understand this if nothing else...Jim saw the future, our future, and, he realized it was broken.

After wandering around the planet for a number of years, Jim decided to return to California and begin fixing our broken future that he had seen.  Amazingly it was an alternate reality that he had seen of London, England...essentiall, "What the past would look like if the present had happened sooner."

Think This Way... "The Dark Ages Never Happened, the Holy Wars were just a Gaming Event, the Spanish Inquisition never had a chance to take place, Adolph Hitler stuck to Painting Houses...Leonardo Da Vinci's designs were actually accepted and built and Nuclear Power was perfected but, never Weaponized!!!"

Ok, Now you get a feel for Jim's whacked perception of a Steampunk reality...This reality is not without it's problems though and not just, "Oh Jeez, I  left the cap off the toothpaste!" or, "I missed my favorite episode of "Real Housewives of New Jersey Shore!", problems.  In this reality we now face Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves, Yetis...a nasty bunch of Aliens and, a really belligerent shade of the color "BLUE"!!! 

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for your Steampunk needs!
Steampunk...this Artist's Definition:

Steampunk is a sub-Genre of speculative fiction, usually set in an anachronistic Victorian or quasi-Victorian alternate history setting.  It could be described by the slogan,"What the past would look  like, if the future had happened sooner."  It includes fiction with science fiction, fantasy or horror themes. 

mPunk is actually two words, Steam and Punk.   Steam referring to the Industrial age of coal fired steam engines in factories of the Industrial / Victorian age, and Punk, as in a rebellion against the current aesthetic... somewhat as is Punk now. in music. 

 I often wonder what the present would be like if there had been no Spanish Inquisition, had the Catholic church never existed, had the Middle Ages ("dark ages", a definite stall in technology of over  500 years.) never occurred and and the "Renaissance period" had just been the status quo starting 2000-3000 years ago instead of merely 500 years ago. It's mind boggling to imagine what our present technology would be like.

As an artist accepting a commission I must, above all else, determine the ratio of Steam to Punk desired by the client.  This is an absolutely daunting task on occasion.  I learned early on that most people have no idea what Steampunk is.  Even those in the Genre differ wildly in their definition of the 'term'.  Ask 10 people in the genre to tell you what steampunk is and, you will get 8-10 different answers.

I'll stick to my definition and whatever definition you believe it to be as well. Steam & Punk are here to stay as a growing vibrant Genre and I am happy as a camel on 'Hump Day' to part of it. 
Below:  Violin Beetle , (A Work in Progress.)  In a post apocalyptic alternate reality, common everyday items merged with insects and  took on bizarre forms never before seen on earth.  Reality as we know it was suspended...
Below:   The  HMS Enterprise ,  (A Work in Progress)  In the late 1700's the Revolutionary  War had never taken place.  Briton was the world power and now, in late 19th and early 20th century, interstellar space travel was common place.  
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