The Neverwas Studio
Redefining reality, one punk at a time!  If you can sketch it, I can build it!  Steampunk is what I do.

Contacts & Links

Here is a fairly cool spot...
This is where you can actually communicate with the Artist,  link to the etsy store for more awesome stuff and have stuff custom designed and built especially for you!  What more could you ask for?

 Jim Davidson:  
 Owner / Artist / Lead Designer / Head Trouble Junkie  and Merry Maker of  the Neverwas Studio!

 Phone: 1.310.710.2197  ( 24/7 voice mail if I'm working in the       studio and can't answer in person!) 

 Email:  (Please submit correspondence,          sketches & project concepts to
 this address or use the form  below) 
Etsy Store:  ( Just click it to find          my art For Sale )

Questions...?  Email me, see above!

Quote/Query, Customer Contact Information

Please fill out the form below for a Quote or Question regarding Custom Commissions. A few minutes now can save us both a lot of time down the road.  Please Note,  I do not share or sell this information with anyone, regardless of how much they beg and whine!

First Name:
Last Name:
Address Street 1:
Address Street 2:
Zip Code: (5 digits)
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:

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